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One of the biggest challenges with remote teams is fostering a connection. The isolation of working from home can be difficult, and it is important to make sure you help them feel like they are part of a team. Use the following strategies to help your team feel engaged. 

Use Video in Meetings

It may be easier to leave the video off and just use your mic, but seeing each other will help to foster a connection. It allows people to see each other and interact, and it feels much more like a meeting. Make sure that everyone turns their video on when you are having online meetings. 

Communicate Regularly

If you leave team members on their own for too much time, it can lead to greater disconnection. Make sure that you communicate regularly, and have a schedule. You can have a check-in at the start of the day, and make contact to see how everyone is doing. When team members feel as though they aren’t in it alone, they will feel more connected to the team. 

Host Virtual Water Cooler Meetings

One of the experiences that is lacking when employees work remotely is the break where they can get to know each other and blow off steam. Some employees may have trouble knowing when to take a break or what to do during the break. Schedule a virtual break for everyone for 15 minutes each day, and it will give people a chance to spend downtime together and develop a greater connection.

Host Virtual Happy Hours After Work

Another way to keep people connected is to schedule a virtual Happy Hour so they can relax and have a drink after work. You can use Zoom or another virtual party app, and send out invites to the team. Connections require more than working together; people need a chance to get to know each other. Virtual Happy Hours are a great way for this to happen. 

Final Words

Helping team members feel connected is a critical part of managing people who are working remotely. Make sure they don’t become isolated by using some of these strategies to bring them together.