It is human nature to have a need for connections, and in the virtual environment, it can be difficult to meet this need. Zoom provides the opportunity for people to get together and have meetings online, but you have to plan ahead and determine how to make it meaningful. Make sure people turn on the video so they can see each other, and use these tips to make sure your meetings are meaningful.
Make Time to Check in
It is easy to forget about remote workers unless you have a scheduled meeting. These meetings can become very stiff and business-like if people feel disconnected from the job. You should schedule regular check-ins, and encourage team members to check in on each other. If everyone were at the office, there would be casual conversation throughout the day; use Zoom to mimic this by checking in. People will feel more connected and engaged during the more formal business meetings.
Encourage Coffee Dates
Another way to make sure people are able to connect is by scheduling virtual coffee dates. This gives everyone a chance to take a break and see each other during the work day. One of the most challenging aspects of working remotely is the isolation that many people can feel. Having regular coffee dates will help to break up the monotony and keep people interacting with one another.
Host a Virtual Happy Hour
When people are working in an office together, it is normal for them to go out for a drink after work. Remote work eliminates this opportunity, and people may not feel as connected and engaged with their coworkers. You can create a virtual Happy Hour, and invite everyone. If you have new people who have recently joined the team, this will give them a chance to get to know everyone. People will have an easier time connecting faces with names, and they will work better together.
Final Words
Zoom is a great tool for meetings, but it can be used to give people the social interaction they need throughout the day. You can have more meaningful Zoom meetings when your employees feel connected and engaged, so make sure you offer different social meetings throughout the week.