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Most people dislike making business presentations. About 77% of the population experiences some level of anxiety related to public speaking. Use the following steps to eliminate your anxieties and make a successful business presentation.

Outline the Main Points of Your Presentation

Limit the presentation to three to five major points. Trying to cover too many topics during a single presentation may confuse your audience. 

Create a small bullet point list of subtopics that you want to discuss for each of the main points. The lists act as your outline for the presentation, helping you stick to your main points.

Write Your Opening and Closing Remarks

After creating the outline, write the opening and closing remarks. The opening remarks should introduce the main points that you want to discuss, which ensures that the audience knows what to expect.

The closing remarks summarize your main points and typically end with a call to action. 

Choose the Right Slide Deck 

A slide deck is a series of slides used as visual aids during a presentation. The type of slide deck that you use should fit the tone of the presentation. The main types of slide decks include:

  • Demo deck (3 to 10 slides for a quick pitch)
  • Investor deck (10 to 20 slides for a detailed pitch)
  • Technical deck (20 or more slides for discussing technical capabilities)

Most presenters spend about one minute on each slide. If your presentation is only a few minutes long, you may only use a few slides.

You should also consider the style and formatting of the slides. Neutral colors and standard fonts work well with formal presentations. Stick to two or three neutral colors, such as black, white, or grey. For a more informal presentation, consider using vibrant colors and exciting graphics.

Open with Humor or a Story

After developing your outline and slides, start fleshing out your presentation with an opening story or humorous anecdote. A compelling story or funny joke helps make an immediate connection with your audience while keeping them interested in what you have to say.

These are just a few tips for making a better business presentation. You should also interact with your audience and use images in your slides.