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The global market is changing. As people become increasingly dissatisfied with the workforce, the prospect of starting your own business becomes more and more attractive. But before you start making a website or contacting investors, you’re going to need a business plan.

Business plans are the cornerstone of starting a successful business. They’re literally the road map to running your business effectively. Here are a few simple tips to help you write a detailed, effective business plan.

Thorough but Simple

While some entrepreneurs might find the idea of writing a business plan daunting, picturing hundreds of pages of detailed figures and plans, a good business plan should really be a concise document that provides all of the information that the reader needs to assess your project. In general, a business plan should communicate that you are committed to your idea and that you have the skills and confidence to make it successful.

Anatomy of a Business Plan

Business plans vary widely, depending on the industry that they’re being written for. However, there are a few features that should be included in almost every business plan.

  • Your business proposal
  • What makes your company unique
  • Market analysis in your chosen industry
  • Information on potential competitors
  • How the company will be organized
  • Premises and capital goods
  • Financial data
  • Legal information

Make sure that these categories are as detailed as you feel is necessary. Potential investors are going to want as much information as possible on your venture before they agree to back you.

Pitfalls to Avoid

Your business plan encompasses the near future for your business, and it’s important to make sure that it’s as honest and realistic as possible. You should be able to justify any assumptions or projections that you make within this document, and you should never try to mask the difficulty of a project or a lack of knowledge. These factors can really affect your business later, and it’s best to be up front with your investors and other contributors.